"Press F to Thank" may be a reference to the internet meme "Press F to Pay Respects" that originated from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.After giving a blessing, a blue vertical "energy blur" effect will appear on the player's Warframe until they leave the relay.After being blessed, each recipient player has about 5 seconds to "Press F to Thank" the blesser.The Concourse statue will change to the Warframe that activated the blessing.Operators and their Amps are also affected by the blessings.The Credit blessing is additive with Chroma's Effigy during the mission and applies multiplicatively at the end of the mission.Damage bonus stacks additively with damage to faction bonuses such as Bane of Grineer, Cleanse Corpus, Expel Infested, and Smite Corrupted.Health and shield bonuses stack additively with mods that increase the respective base stat.Affinity and Resource drop chance bonuses stack multiplicatively with boosters of the same type.There is a 23 hour cooldown before the same True Master player can bestow a blessing again, but no cooldown before the same recipient player can receive the same blessing again.

Logging off while in a relay will prevent the player from receiving any new blessings until they log in again and visit a relay again.

Receiving the same blessing before it has expired from another True Master refreshes its duration to the full 3 hours again, unlike boosters that combine their durations.All blessings can be held at the same time.Each player can view the list of their active blessings and their remaining times by hovering the cursor over an icon in the top right corner to the left of their Credits balance.The True Master's Font (also colloquially known as the Blessing Altar), is an interactable console (default: X ) in all Relays that allows any player of Mastery Rank 30 or higher to bestow a 3 hour 25% bonus blessing upon all players in that relay (including self). Screenshot showing all 6 blessings active with 2 hours 52 minutes remaining