As for what size of a file you should work in, I always paint at 300dpi and usually around 3000 pixels wide. In the top right corner is a small triangle button - click on it and go to "Load Brushes", then select the file that is included in this tutorial. To load them, just click on the brush tool and then right-click on the canvas. I have included the Photoshop CS2 brushes that I have used so that you can try them out too. This painting is going to be done primarily in Photoshop CS2, with a little bit of Painter IX at the end.

Now that we have our reference material, we can start the illustration. It is a good idea to start building up a large reference folder on your computer so that the next time you need some armour reference you will already have it. Fig01 shows images taken from different museum websites. Most of the time you can find everything you need by just ‘Googling' it. The first thing I usually do when I get a project is to collect all of the reference material that I am going to need.